Live ¨Las suertes¨ bullfighting Las Ventas – Madrid
Most viewers not aware for sure about bullfighting, buy this website provide you interesting and general information to approach the bullfighting world and share this experience.
In bullfighting, known as lots of movements or sets that this gives the bull. Several types of lots that will detail below, however it is important to emphasize that these sets are general, but how to run depends on the style of each bullfighter.
¨Las suertes¨ with capote
It is known as the layer cloak worn by people who are in the sand to capture the attention of the bull, is bicolor, one side is red, while the other is yellow. Luck with cape has two stages, the first is that the bull run towards the cape but do not cross, while the second is that crosses under the hood, in the latter there are two very famous movements known as the chicuelina (subject layer with both hands and open arms and body of the bullfighter in the middle, and when does the onslaught, the bullfighter rotates on its own axis in the opposite direction to the bull and Veronica (holding the cape with both hands and opened the bull by side, the cape does not have the sword as base)
¨Las suertes¨ with ¨muletas¨
Are the different movements where the cloak already has ¨muleta¨ in which the torero stops using both hands on many sets. These lots are those usually displayed at the beginning of the task and are usually differentiated by the torero strolls to the res all over the field from one side to the other in the Las Ventas Madrid bullring, the goal is to startle the bull and infuriate. There are two groups that are the natural passes and passes changed.
Natural passes are movements in the torero gives the bull’s chest and holds crutch with his left hand and right hand on hip and right leg forward a few inches, marking stomping causing the bull. When crossing the bull rubs sand crutch. This fate depends on the property and style that runs every torero.
Passes are changed in that hand sets are changed, ie that the pass can be done both right and left-hand and calling bull and then make a full turn.
The ultimate fate
This is the largest movement is a fundamental movement throughout bullfight where the bullfighter performs the previous movement to slaughter, where the torero separates the cloak estoca and still leaves the bull for a second; you could say that is the only time where the torero stop watching the horns to make a scenic journey to your audience. After this quick glance, the matador takes estoca and ready for the final blow where both bull and bullfighter attend the meeting at the same time, and buries the sword into the bull’s back to kill him.