🥇Madrid Bullfight’s Tickets – October 2021
Buy your tickets to Madrid bullring. Enjoy a Corrida de novillos (bullfight).
Buy your Madrid Bullfighting Tickets
- October 1st, 2021 (Friday) at 18:00
- October 2st, 2021 (Saturday) at 18:00
- October 3st, 2021 (Sunday) at 18:00
- October 9th, 2021 (Saturday) at 18:00
- October 10th, 2021 (Sunday) at 18:00
- October 12th, 2021 (Tuesday) at 18:00
Where: Las Ventas bullring
- October 1st, 2021: Alejandro Fermín, Alejandro Adame e Ignacio Olmos
- October 2st, 2021: El Juli, Emilio de Justo y Juan Ortega
- October 3st, 2021: Antonio Ferrera
- October 9th, 2021: Camino hacia Las Ventas
- October 10th, 2021: El Juli, Miguel Ángel Perera y Daniel Luque
- October 12th, 2021: Morante de la Puebla, López Simón y Ginés Marín
- October 1st, 2021: Antonio López Gibaja
- October 2st, 2021: Garcigrande
- October 3st, 2021: Adolfo Martín
- October 9th, 2021: ———–
- October 10th, 2021: Santiago Domecq
- October 12th, 2021: Alcurrucén
How far in advance should tickets be purchased?
The further in advance you buy your tickets, the greater the opportunity there is to choose the best seats. Tickets are available for purchase up to 72 hours before the event.
How long does a bullfight last?
A bullfight usually lasts a minimum of 90 minutes but can continue up to 2.5 hours. (1 ½ – 2 ½ hours).
Can children attend the bullfight?
Yes, but they must be accompanied by an adult. Prices are the same for adults and children alike.
What happens if it rains?
Bullfights are rain or shine. The only way a fight would be cancelled is if the rain is hard and continuous.
Can I take photos?
Yes, take as many pictures as you would like.