Madrid Bullfighting Blog

Bullfighting or tauromachy is a traditional show in Spain. It is also practice in Portugal, southern France, and Latin America.
The classic little walk began this past Sunday April 19, which brings together bullfighting fans, who enjoyed a unique and
So You Want To Buy A Bullfighting Costume in Spain?
Among the curiosities of bullfighting, is ¨matador¨ costumes that stand out for their golden dress with touches of vivid colors
Famous bullfighters killed in the ring
Fans of the bullfight do not go to the arena to see a man killed. Modern medicine has saved many
How to live a tourist his first bullfight in Las Ventas
In this time we show an afternoon bullfight from the point of view of a tourist who shared his first
* Live ¨Las suertes¨ bullfighting Las Ventas - Madrid
Most viewers not aware for sure about bullfighting, buy this website provide you interesting and general information to approach the